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Why I set up this page
About a year ago I set out to have a story of mine converted
into a comic book - I jumped aboard the Kickstarter train. I
made a good run for it and nearly made the initial costs for the
graphical production. However I had set things up for the big
shiny one and included a print run and all so the Kickstarter
came up short as I was nearing the deadline, I had chosen the 30
day run Kickstarter suggested, rather that stranding with a
failed Kickstarter before the deadline was out I canceled the
run in order to be able to communicate with my backers as I was
not ready to throw the towel in on my comic.
Instead I've been toiling away to raise the funds for finishing
the job and as I am writing this we are about 7 pages into the
final production. I know I will be able to pull this off, but it
would be nice to do more.
I have two more comics to bring to life potentially more so
what to do. Kickstarter feels to restraining and I came to
thinking why should comic book creators let them take such a
huge cut of what is needed for the production of our work, so
the idea was born. What if I could create a decentralized window
for comicbook creators to showcase their work. Creators could
use their preferred payment procesors, and they could keep
control of their work striding forward according to their own
deadlines, creating comics one page at the time and not
according to some arbitrary 30-60 day limit that the powers that
be on different crowdfunding platforms decide to impose on you
What I hope to bring?
Put shortly FREEDOM!!! I want creators using ADOPTAPAGE.COM to
be free from the stress and able to concentrate on what they do
best create. As ADOPTAPAGE.COM grows it has the potential to
become a comics creation hub where comics are showcased and
hopefully a community of comic creators can collude on making
the best darn comics possible.
How it will work.
Basically each comic will be listed in a directory, each page
can be showcased according to the creators intnet and people
will be offered to adopt pages in question. Exactly what
adoption means is up to the individual creator - For me it means
a name embedded on a page, for another creator it could be
inclusion of a character, a company or another token related to
the page. The adoption could mean the person adopting the page
gets a unique T-Shirt with the page signed by the artist or
writer. The idea is that the reward is something that creates a
bond between the creator and the adoptive guardian. The intent
is for creators to be able to do something unique in connection
with their comic meaning rewards can be unique for each page.
ADOPTACOMIC.COM also allows for general crowdfunding so people
can simply support their favorite creators and again it is
important to notice that the intent is to cut out the middleman
bringing the creators and the fans closer together.
Everything will be hosted with a service the creator feels
comfortable, graphics, social networking pages etc.
Payments to creators will be done through services and by means
the creators feels comfortable with, be it Paypal, Stripe,
bitcoin or some other means and not by our site taking a bite
of the proceeds holding the creators hostage inside an ecosystem
while milking them dry.
Want to join me ? Well....